Since 1972 over 500 Dallas Police Officers have been awarded the DCPAC bar. The criteria for selection is based on overall excellence in police work, community & family involvement, and dedication to duty. It is not based on a single outstanding act of heroism or valor.

While the DCPAC official uniform bar is a recognition the officer can wear on his or her uniform, the more important recognition for the recipient is often from his or her fellow officers- partners, immediate supervisors, and entire chain of command – including the Chief, who attend the DCPAC monthly award presentations and often have stories or accolades to add about the recipient.

The Dallas Police Department, its officers and supporters appreciate the unique opportunity DCPAC offers to recognize our outstanding men and women in blue.
The committee’s biggest difficulty is selecting each month a recipient from the many excellent nominations we receive, all of which must be approved at every level of command – including the Chief, before they are presented for consideration to DCPAC .

The committee’s biggest rewards come from the appreciation we experience from the families of the Officers we honor. They attend the presentations, are proud of their loved ones, and are always touched by the support our community gives to the fine Officers of our Dallas Police Department.